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  • Dungeons & Dragons for kids

Dungeons & Dragons for kids

  • 18 Sep 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Online
  • 7


  • If your child is currently enrolled in Geek Girls Society, you qualify for a reduced rate.
    Please choose this option if your child has played a previous Saturday game.
  • If you are not a current Geek Girls Society member but have played in our Saturday game previous, choose this option.

Registration is closed

Our online Dungeons and Dragons campaign for kids is continuing.  New players are welcome, however you'll need to attend a longer first session where you will create your character.  This month we will only be hosting one game on September 18th.  We will resume our normal schedule in October.

Returning Non-members $15

Returning Geek Girls Society Members qualify for a discounted rate of $10 

***Geek Girls Society celebrates girls and all they can do, however we do not exclude anyone.  if you have a child interested in this event, feel free to contact us to make sure it is a good fit.***


Tel: (661) 505-8801


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