Recommended for kids ages 10 and up
Dungeons and Dragons
Offering a one shot D&D game contained to this week's activities. Perfect for those that want to learn how to play or those that have some experience but would like to know more. During this week's session we will create characters, learn the mechanics of the game as we play, learn about roleplaying, along with exploring other family friendly outlets where we can watch other people play the game.
Registration fee includes a dice set.
Meeting time 1pm -4pm (we may end a little early on any given day depending on the activities that day)
Minimum 3 registrants required for camp to take place
Maximum 8 registrants for this session
The geeky details:
Registration will close June 14, 2020 this will allow us time to send out the week's supplies prior to camp
Upon registration you will receive a separate confirmation email requesting your mailing address. We recommend each camper have a pencil and paper daily, all other supplies will be provided.
A Zoom meeting link will be emailed to you daily for the next day's meeting.
Active Geek Girls Society members $125/week
Non-members $150/week
Terms and Conditions: Cancellations prior to June 12th will be eligible for a full refund.
Cancellations made after June 14th will be held a as a credit on your account towards a future activity.
CONTACT US in regards to your cancellation.
***Geek Girls Society celebrates girls and all they can do, however we do not exclude anyone. if you have a child interested in this event, feel free to contact us to make sure it is a good fit.***