We're continuing our Dungeons and Dragons sessions that started last year. New players are welcome, however you'll need to attend a longer first session where you will create your first character.
These sessions are appropriate for children ages 10 and up and will be limited to ten participants overall.
Our loose schedule this round is as follows:
New Players week 1: Character Creation then Game Play (this session will start at 9:30am on 1/11 and will end at 12:30pm)
Returning Players week 1: Game Play (this session will start at 11am on 1/11)
week 2: Game Play/Craft (starts at 11am)
week 3: Game Play (starts at 11am)
week 4: Game Play! (starts at 11am)
The registration fee includes a notebook that your child gets to keep, a healthy snack each session, along with any other game or craft supplies needed to play. If your child would like to bring their own polyhedral dice set, that is fine, but not a requirement. We will have sets to borrow.
By signing up, you are committing to attendance at all 4 dates. Refunds will not be given for any dates missed.
Registration = $60 (includes all 4 weeks)
Returning Geek Girls Society Members qualify for a discounted rate of $40 (includes all 4 weeks)
New Geek Girls Society Members (those that did not play with us last session) qualify for a discounted rate of $50
***Geek Girls Society celebrates girls and all they can do, however we do not exclude anyone. if you have a child interested in this event, feel free to contact us to make sure it is a good fit.***